ONOMONO excerpt, 16mm transfer to HD, total RT 4:20, 2012/2015

ONOMONO is an experimental video projection that combines detritus film composited with imagery shot by the artist. The original soundtrack was created by Ben-Shitrit in collaboration with Timothy Korn, using live-feed into a Kaleidoloop. The video was created in collaboration with editor Jeremy C. Hansen.

ONOMONO depicts a circle of destruction. The video captures the ailments of our society using archival footage ghosted over original footage of the Atlantic-ocean, Cappadocia, and a dilapidated British Colonialist-era post in the Arab-Israeli town of Abu-Ghosh. The archival material includes: gruesome animal experiments, depression-era economic graphics, as well as catatonic masked Schizophrenia and OCD patients.

The word ONOMONO is a palindrome—it reads the same forward and back. The video begins and ends with the same visual note. The sound is created using live-feed into a Kaleidoloop—a digital recording device that can layer both live and pre-recorded sounds, while navigating and altering playback speed and direction.

This work was inspired by the French Anarchist book the Coming Insurrection, which offers a vivid diagnosis of the capitalist decrepitude of our society.